Why ‘grey’ hound? A Background on Greyhound Colours
A guide to the colouring of greyhounds
We set the standard for Greyhound Racing Promotion and Dog Welfare. We will restore the sport's integrity by highlighting the unmatched welfare standards for racing greyhounds in the UK.
Our mission is to secure a sustainable and successful future for greyhound racing through four core pillars:
We are launching a national greyhound homing platform, partnering with numerous accredited homing centres in the UK to ensure every greyhound gets the forever home they deserve.
We deliver high-quality racing content live and on-demand, thrilling existing fans and attracting new audiences to greyhound racing. We produce unrivalled news and features to bring you closer to the stars of the show.
Our team is organising and promoting the best greyhound racing experiences in the UK, bringing fans, friends, and families to the racetracks for unforgettable thrills.
Greyhound racing in the UK thrives on industry collaboration. We are uniting everyone in the sport because together we win.
A guide to the colouring of greyhounds
Greyhounds receive the very best veterinary care when at the racetrack. They are checked upon arrival as well as pre- and post-race.
This article debunks some of the most common myths about the sport and its impact on the dogs involved, shedding light on the truth about greyhound welfare and the care these incredible animals receive.